Today, I went to a trampoline park with the kids and some past clients/friends. I was feeling out of shape, bloated, and all-around haggard, which has kind of been my MO lately. Picture a middle-aged mom meets stray dog, but wearing ALO yoga attire. Meh, it sounds like I am this hot mess who is trying too hard! Okay, Jules, FOCUS. I am attempting to say that I have not felt attractive lately, but I haven't really been trying either, so I guess I don't really care.
But back to the first sentence: Today, we were at a trampoline park. It was awesome. We have been before, but today, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, and I even attempted some of the obstacle courses (I will be sore tomorrow), went on the slackline (made it all the way across in only 29 attempts), and played dodge ball with V. I was sweaty and hot as stinky balls, and I am sure as stinky as stinky balls, too. Ew.
When I came out of the dodgeball cage, a girl said something to me. I couldn't hear her so said, "Excuse me?" She said, "You're gorgeous." Um, what!? I stared at her, and wanted to say, "Would you like me to help you find your glasses?" But instead, I put my hand on her arm, and said, "You are so sweet, thank you." She smiled at me and said, "Just in case you haven't heard it recently, I wanted to tell you how gorgeous you are." I wanted to cry. And then I wanted to hug her, and then I wanted to cry again. It was 100% exactly what I needed to hear at that exact moment. And although I joke and say she was only saying that because she was blind, or decided she needed to take on a charity case today, or whatever, I believed her. And not that I think I am a supermodel, but to her, I am gorgeous.
So, believe me when I tell you, that even if you think you are the ugliest person in the world, and there is no way anyone finds you attractive, you're wrong. There is at least one person out there (and probably many, many more) who thinks you are gorgeous. Because you are.
Believe it.