This is the view from my bedroom. It is not a view I want. I would much rather be looking out my window at the trees. I want this stuff gone, and this is why I created Jettison Jules. Everything posted on the site is in these bins. All of the items in here were once my and my kids' favorites. There are a lot of memories in these bins.
Even long after these things no longer serve me, I have a hard time saying goodbye. They are a bathrobe I wore after my son was born. They are shoes I wore to my wedding, even though I am no longer married. They are my daughter's first pair of shoes. They are my son's first blanket. They are the books I read to both kids, over and over and over. They are a part of my life, and they have helped shape who I am today.
So many of my clothing items also say, "I just wasn't Jules's favorite." It's true. It takes a lot to become my favorite. Heck, this isn't just true of the clothing world, it carries over into the real world as well with humans, animals, food, houses, hotels, cities, men...I could go on. I guess what I am trying to say is I am high maintenance and have set the bar very hard across most aspects of my life. If you are in my life it's because you have passed the very, very important test: do you make my body feel good? If the answer is yes, then you are a staple in my life. If you make my body feel icky, then you have most likely been shunned from my life. And if it is not possible to completely remove you from my life, I try to limit our encounters.
So, back to clothes. If you don't feel good on my body. If I don't like how I look with you on me. If your sleeves are too short. If your legs are too short. If your quality is sub-par. If I see you everywhere. Then, you will not become a favorite of mine.
How do my favorites become just that? I can usually tell the first time I try something on. But sometimes it takes a few wearings to be able to determine whether something is going to become a favorite or not. Because of this, a lot of the things I am selling have only been worn a few times.
Everyone else sees, "things," but I see much more. Someone once told me, "You and I are so different, Julie. I don't get attached to things like you do." Well, I view things differently than you.
I do know it is best to get rid of things that are no longer used, even if they hold memories. So that is why we are here. I am on a therapeutic journey to rid myself of all the things that no longer serve me, and I am excited to share this with you!